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How to Draw the Statue of Liberty Easy

the Statue of Liberty - How to Draw step by step By Daniel Vinhas Here's how to draw the Statue of Liberty in an easy step by step with very simple images that you can use to rock the cover of the School work, which will give you draw value 10 just by the cover. October 17, 2019 Steps to the grid You can print the construction lines and draw on parchment paper, or you can draw the grid yourself by following the steps below… 1) At the top of the sheet, determine the position of the head and draw its conditional size using an oval. 2) Draw a vertical line across the middle of the head. This will be the center vertical line of the drawing. 3) From the top edge of the head, draw up two segments equal to the height of the head and one segment one third of its height. Across the segment boundaries, draw horizontal lines. The top line will be the upper limit of the figure. 4) From the top of the head, draw down three segments equal to the heigh...



The Parrot Died! - O Papagaio Morreu!

I'll try to tell a joke in English (was I will get?)
The Parrot Died!
The guy was the biggest roar, when the phone rings at dawn:
- Here is the Aristides, the caretaker of his ranch!
- What was Aristides, something serious happened?
- Nothing, sir! I just wanted to warn you that your parrot is dead!
- My parrot? Whoever won the contest last month?
- Yes, the same!
- Wow, what a pity! I had paid a small fortune for it ... but that he died?
- Ate rotten meat!
- Rotten meat? Who gave him rotten meat?
- Nobody ... he ate one of the horses were dead.
- What horses?
- Of his Thoroughbred horses! They died of exhaustion, pulling the cart water.
- Pulling the cart water? What water?
- To put out the fire!
- Fire? Where?
- In your home ... a candle fell on the curtain and it caught fire.
- Sailing? But who lit candle was back home had electricity?
- It was one of the candles of the wake!
- A wake?!
- It's the funeral of his mother ... she got there early in the morning without warning and I threw it, thinking it was a thief!





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