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How to Draw the Statue of Liberty Easy

the Statue of Liberty - How to Draw step by step By Daniel Vinhas Here's how to draw the Statue of Liberty in an easy step by step with very simple images that you can use to rock the cover of the School work, which will give you draw value 10 just by the cover. October 17, 2019 Steps to the grid You can print the construction lines and draw on parchment paper, or you can draw the grid yourself by following the steps below… 1) At the top of the sheet, determine the position of the head and draw its conditional size using an oval. 2) Draw a vertical line across the middle of the head. This will be the center vertical line of the drawing. 3) From the top edge of the head, draw up two segments equal to the height of the head and one segment one third of its height. Across the segment boundaries, draw horizontal lines. The top line will be the upper limit of the figure. 4) From the top of the head, draw down three segments equal to the heigh...



How your brain learns to draw?

How your brain learns to draw?

Our brain is the most intriguing organ of our body.
It performs tasks conscious, semi conscious and even unconsciously.
Although today no longer stare stiffly the functions of the left and right sides of the brain, but it's good to know which side prevails in certain functions.
Looks like dealing with numbers, develop racicínios clearly, identification signs and symbols have predominant action on the left (though not exclusive).
But the facial recognition, musical skills, creativity, inspiration, intuition are remarkably developed by the right brain.

So the analytical, rational people with mathematical talent, who learned to read at an early age may not develop artistic skills like drawing and painting?

Calm, fortunately nothing is final, although for some it is a natural ability, others can come to develop their cerebral hemispheres walking like half-forgotten.
But if you are a person very "mathematics", works with signs and symbols all day, know you do not just pick up a pencil and exit drawing, you need some exercises to awaken seuu right brain and the good news that are simple and quick exercises we will be back soon to present them in a clear, simple and objective way and I wish reportasse practiced and the results achieved.
See you soon!





Drawing & Painting Artistic Drawing and painting, to drawing Manga, techniques, tips, tricks you learn to draw in pencil and suggestions of free courses in schools of design or even online.