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How to Draw the Statue of Liberty Easy

the Statue of Liberty - How to Draw step by step By Daniel Vinhas Here's how to draw the Statue of Liberty in an easy step by step with very simple images that you can use to rock the cover of the School work, which will give you draw value 10 just by the cover. October 17, 2019 Steps to the grid You can print the construction lines and draw on parchment paper, or you can draw the grid yourself by following the steps below… 1) At the top of the sheet, determine the position of the head and draw its conditional size using an oval. 2) Draw a vertical line across the middle of the head. This will be the center vertical line of the drawing. 3) From the top edge of the head, draw up two segments equal to the height of the head and one segment one third of its height. Across the segment boundaries, draw horizontal lines. The top line will be the upper limit of the figure. 4) From the top of the head, draw down three segments equal to the heigh...



Introduction to watercolor

all knowledge essential to the painting of a fine watercolor can be obtained from blogs, many blogs; teachers, many teachers; and subscription to the truth of  the pragmatic theory that doing is part of the knowing.

There is no one volume purporting to present all, or even a resume of all the contributing factors inherent in a watercolor. Most blogs give superficial information on such subjects as wash techniques and the use of tools; they make no pretense of helping the artist to understand himself, the creative act, design principles, or recent findings in the study of aesthetics.

They do not supply definitions of artists' and critics' vernacular—so important to the student in shaping his thinking.

This blog has those additional objectives. It is conceived as a working tool to be kept in studio and sketchbox. It is to be glanced at frequently to keep the mind from digressions, and to keep the artist concerned with significant word
sequences. It is a reference blog.

Throughout the blog and particularly in the chapter. Notes, you will find "capsule" precepts or comments. Some are quotes, others originals.
There is evidence that certain authors have better minds than ours and these "seeings"
—well expressed bv our superiors—can sustain, encourage, and edify us when our lesser understanding and vision engender doubts. >
Man must have a faith to live bv—something to believe in. These men have found an unassailable faith in the validity of creative activity.

I teach about two hundred students weekly in eight different classes.
A large percentage of them are professional artists. I repeatedly admonish them, "If you will own and read this selected list of authors —Maitland Graves, Suzanne Langer, Louis Arnoud Reid, Jacques Barzun— to name four of the many — there will be no need for coming to me as students." They continue to come. Some for as long as eight years.
 Well, I don't know. It might be sloth, "leaving seatprints on the sands of time," or just the fact that they like their edification sugar coated with entertainment — all good teachers are fifty percent ham.
It may also be that some of the three-s\ liable words in Langer, Reid, Barzun, et al, frighten them.
The word philosophy, for instance, creates tension in many students, yet Webster defines it as "love of wisdom or knowledge," and William James as "man thinking."
What's frightening about that?

Soon - new articles on watercolors 

Tools for Watercolor-part-1-of-4




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Black Wonder Woman

BWW Wonder Woman # blackgirlmagic Heroines and Heroes have been part of human society since the earliest times, they not only reveal an identity of a people but also their worldview. Gods and Gods become Heroes of a People, or their heroes become Gods .. So what is said and what can not be said about heroines and heroes reveal not only culture as its taboos, prejudices of its ideologies when hero vs. villain confronts.   #blackmodel The film Professor Marston and the WonderWomen - Movie 2017 was controversial for discussing society at the time of the creation of the character Wonder Woman #melanin . Another film that fomented the race question and the ideology of the Super Heroes was Black Panther. It is no wonder that many designers and artists in general have decided to recreate and repaginate these issues of gender and race and to provoke a healthy discussion on these subjects Hope you like it Continues after frame

How to Draw Chibi Deadpool

Learn How to Draw Chibi Deadpool with our step by step drawing lessons. Follow along with our easy step by step drawing lessons. Watch our video previews and then draw it yourself with our easy to follow lessons. Join the Club! SUBSCRIBE Today! We post new lessons every week. 1

How to Draw a Starbucks Frappuccino Cute step by step Cartoon Drink

What's your favorite Starbucks drink? Learn step by step how to draw a cute Starbuck Frappuccino. Thanks for watching!! Please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE. =) Thank You!!! Download FREE coloring pages and crafts: Join me on If you want to see behind the scenes sketches of my drawings, please join me on Instagram Have a GREAT day and see YOU later! :)

Sci-Fi - How to Draw Robots

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Cute drawings and easy to do step by step on paper

Easy Drawings to Make on Paper. 2019-08-26 Cute drawings and easy to do step by step on notebook or sheet of paper, for beginners and professionals. Author: Daniel Vinhas Desenhandocomlapis 1. source: Bart Simpsons Drawings Easy to Make on Paper Description: Easy Bart Simpsons Design Easy designs to make on paper super fast! 2- source: and Easy Drawing - Little Owl in Notebook Easy Drawings to Make on Paper - Little Owl Description HOW TO DRAW AN OWL on paper or notebook, STEP BY STEP 4 STEPS VERY EASY. 3- source: Easy Picachú Drawings Description: Perhaps the easy design to play as Pokémon is Pikachu Pikachu is Nintendo's most famous Pokémon. It first appeared in Japan in 1996 in th...

Cosplay Universe - What is your passagens aéreas promoção opinion? is art or "lifestyle"?

Cosplay (コスプレ, Kosupure) is short for costume play or roleplay usual (both in English).'s  FUSION OF TWO WORDS. IS THE SHAPE OF ANIME FANS OF TV HEROES pay tribute WEARING THE SAME CHARACTER.  Practice also includes cosplay characters belonging to the vast universe of movies, TV series, books and animations from other countries. On a smaller scale there are those who characterize themselves as historical figures or original creations. A major feature of cosplay is that the practitioner and create the clothes and makeup, also interprets the featured character, playing posture, speech and typical poses and especially personality traits. The hobby usually practiced in events that bring together fans of this universe, like games and anime conventions. The misinformed glances play can seem passagens aéreas promoção somewhat eccentric (even crazy thing!), Often portrayed prejudiced and full of stereotypes about the profile of those who practice form. But just know this universe ...


Drawing & Painting Artistic Drawing and painting, to drawing Manga, techniques, tips, tricks you learn to draw in pencil and suggestions of free courses in schools of design or even online.