the Statue of Liberty - How to Draw step by step By Daniel Vinhas Here's how to draw the Statue of Liberty in an easy step by step with very simple images that you can use to rock the cover of the School work, which will give you draw value 10 just by the cover. October 17, 2019 Steps to the grid You can print the construction lines and draw on parchment paper, or you can draw the grid yourself by following the steps below… 1) At the top of the sheet, determine the position of the head and draw its conditional size using an oval. 2) Draw a vertical line across the middle of the head. This will be the center vertical line of the drawing. 3) From the top edge of the head, draw up two segments equal to the height of the head and one segment one third of its height. Across the segment boundaries, draw horizontal lines. The top line will be the upper limit of the figure. 4) From the top of the head, draw down three segments equal to the heigh...
I teach about two hundred students weekly in eight different classes.
A large percentage of them are professional artists. I repeatedly admonish them, "If you will own and read this selected list of authors —Maitland Graves, Suzanne Langer, Louis Arnoud Reid, Jacques Barzun— to name four of the many — there will be no need for coming to me as students." They continue to come. Some for as long as eight years.
Well, I don't know. It might be sloth, "leaving seatprints on the sands of time," or just the fact that they like their edification sugar coated with entertainment — all good teachers are fifty percent ham.
It may also be that some of the three-s\ liable words in Langer, Reid, Barzun, et al, frighten them.
The word philosophy, for instance, creates tension in many students, yet Webster defines it as "love of wisdom or knowledge," and William James as "man thinking."
What's frightening about that?
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